September 23, 2019 | Guest Mixes

#70 Yushh for Deeprhythms


Mixed by: Yushh
Location: Bristol, UK

Yushh is a Bristol based DJ and producer with residencies on Noods and 1020 radio, whilst appearing on an increasing number of line ups within the city and further afield. Her sets blend dark, atmospheric broken techno and electro with a heavy UK influence to her sound. The mix she did for us a wonderful blend of syncopated beats, atmospheric swirls and bleeps all mixed together with a superb flow. 

She has just started her own label Pressure Dome (@pressuredome), the first release featuring tracks from a selection of upcoming Bristol producers, including a track from herself. She is also involved in promoting the club night Eminent.

Hi there Jen, thanks for taking the time to make a mix for DR! Can you introduce yourself briefly?

Hello, I’m Jen (Yushh) and I’m currently living in Bristol, studying music production at BIMM and working on a number of other music related bits.

I moved here 2 and a half years ago, not knowing anyone but was so drawn to the music scene here and I’ve never looked back. One of the best decisions I’ve made.

How did you get introduced to dance music in the first place?

I played piano from a young age and took up drums later on so I’ve always been into music. Dance music came a bit later. I was into electronica and IDM in my early teens then started listening to drum and bass and dubstep and a bit of techno through college and uni.

After that, I focused on my career for a while and I didn’t have much time to find tunes and build my collection as much as I had been doing. 6/7 years later, a lot had changed and didn’t feel like I was doing what I wanted with my life (not that I knew what I wanted!).

I decided to quit my job and try and figure out what I was going to do. Music was one thing that quickly came back into my life and was making me happy so it seemed like a natural choice to pursue that.

I think my first encounter with you was via a radio show on Noods radio by the Bristol collective Eminent which you are a member of. Can you tell us a little about how you started with DJ’ing in the first place and what motivated you back then?

I DJ’d and messed around with production a bit when I was at college and uni but like I said before, I hadn’t really focused on music again until about 3 years ago. I was Djing again because I enjoyed it and when I moved to Bristol, the standard was so high, I didn’t think I’d be playing out or on the radio for years and was quite happy just keeping it at home.

Eminent (just Hywel and Don at that point) was the first night to book me to play and Jonski (now also part of Eminent) was the first person to get me on the radio so I owe them a lot for pushing me to get out there.

You’re made a name in the club scene as well. How different is it to play in a club setting or does it complement the radio show and vice versa?

I love playing in da club. What I put in the bag depends what time I’m playing, who i’m playing before / after / with and the overall vibe of the night but I try not to overthink it, make sure I’ve got lots of options and ways to change direction and just go with the flow. I get pretty nervous before I play, but a couple of tracks in I’m usually having a great time especially when it’s rammo.

Playing on the radio gives a bit more freedom to go west with the selections and it’s nice to play tracks that are less dancefloor orientated. I get sent a lot of stuff from mates so it’s also a good opportunity to showcase some of their tracks and also test out some of the new bits I’ve been working on. Even though there isn’t a crowd in front of you, there is still the pressure of it going out live and being recorded. I always think a bit of pressure is good.

And it doesn’t stop there! You’re also a producer and a manager for an emerging label, Pressure Dome. How do you divide your time between radio, clubs, producing and running a label?

There is a lot of crossover between everything I’m doing. If i’m lacking inspiration to write tunes, I’ll focus on getting playlists sorted or record a mix which usually ends up giving me inspiration to write again. It’s a nice cycle to be in.

I’m also lucky enough to work in label management at the minute so I’ve been able to see how other labels approach things and had a lot of good advice. Although I’ve put a lot of hours in, it doesn’t really feel like work; I’m working with friends and love what I’m doing.

Pressure Dome’s first release is due on the 27th of September, what was the most rewarding part of the process?

We did an in-store at Idle Hands record shop in Bristol last Friday, played some tunes and had a few drinks; I was really happy with how it went.

Such a great turn-out, lots of people supporting what we’re doing and just seeing the record on the rack of my favorite record shop was a great feeling.

Can you tell us a little more about your other current musical endeavours?

I’ve got quite a few un-announced releases coming out on some great labels, alongside some artists I really rate so I’m excited about that.

Also playing a few tunes at Elevator Sound’s 5th Birthday at the end of the month, then supporting Galaxian in Bristol for Loose Lips and playing for Well Street Records in London next month. My first London headline gig and love what they’re up to with their label so really looking forward to that.

Do you have any fond musical memories from your childhood, like what was the first record or a song that made a lasting impression on you?

I grew up listening to a lot of jazz with my parents as my dad’s a keen jazz pianist. One track I always remember is Nina Simone - My Baby Just Cares For Me - so good and I was really into Aardman animation so also loved the video.

What would you consider to be the five most personal records to you and why?

Tears by Hijack - beautiful dubstep with a wonky time signature, one of my all time faves.

Aphex Twin You Can’t Hide Your Love feat. DMX Crew - rinsed this tune so much when I was a teenager. Aphex Twin, DMX Crew, Squarepusher have all massively influenced my taste. Probably the first time I listened to stuff and made me realise music could be whatever you wanted it to be.

Djrum - Sex - Djrum’s production is something else. This one probably my favorite off his latest album, emotional but so nice to mix, always has a great impact. What I aspire to achieve in my tracks.

Christian Jay - Contrail - One of the first records I bought when I moved to Bristol so has good memories. Lot more minimal than the stuff I usually play but so well produced.

Watching Airplanes - Psyop (Album) - just flicking through the clips for this album, I don’t even know what it was, but I went straight and bought it. I don’t know how to describe it but it sort of gave me confidence in my own taste the fact that I didn’t even care if anyone else liked it… I loved it.

In my opinion, we’re living in exciting times musically. A lot of indie labels & artists are releasing amazing music just for the love of it, without any compromises or commercial pressure. Do you share this view and where do you think it comes from?

Yes definitely. When i first started getting back into DJing, where I was living there wasn’t much of a techno scene and no one was into the same stuff I was into.

When I first came to Bristol heard so much variety in the music, every night something different and people having the freedom to play what they wanted. It was a huge factor in why I moved here.

The label is just an offshoot of that I suppose. I want to showcase good music that is doing its own thing and can’t be labeled or put in a box.

I like stuff that is interesting, different and thought provoking and if it works in the club, great, but it’s not the main factor in what I look for in tracks for the label.

You've collaborated with a lot of people and curated a lot of radio shows, who are the artists and DJ’s you think deserve more attention than they get currently?

Tough one, so many good producers coming through at the minute. Syz, Mulengasound, Mish and Balouu off the first release are all making amazing stuff, all have their own styles and the radio show we did all together has to be one of my favorites.

BFTT has done a guest mix for the next show and he’ll be playing alongside Robert Fleck the day after for the first Pressure Dome party. Both super talented DJ / Producers so can’t wait to have them down to play!

I often do the Eminent show with Tramma. We have very similar taste and he’s a great DJ so usually a good vibe when we mix together. Too many people…

I’m just gonna do a shout out list - Cando, Henry Greenleaf, Sonic, Zobol, Glances, Jo Craven, Human Resources and so many more….

So the mix, can you tell us a little something about that?

Mix is stuff I’ve been digging recently, some promo bits, bandcamp finds and some old faves.

Highlights include ‘Kas Merkez’ by Konduku out on Idle Hands at the end of the month, the whole release is great, ‘Zip’ by Yak forthcoming on Phonica, loving everything he’s putting out and I finish things off with ‘Naked’ by Clerya which is on the Patina Echoes comp from Timedance, such a great label.

Many thanks Jen! Anything else?

Hope you enjoy!


Konduku - Kas Merkez
Yak - Zip
Steevio - Syzygy
Szare - The Silver Number
Christian Jay - Faculties
Keplrr - Constant Hits
SCB - Freedom For The Fifty
London Modular Alliance - Civic Society
Ikonika - Oral Suspension
Monotronique - Big Puncher
FJAAK - Offline (feat. Rodhad)
Lakehead - Switchers
Dawl - Subject 91
Deadboy - Deemz
Interplanetary Criminal - Sensational (Breaka Remix)
Klein Zage - Absolutely
Axefield - Slapende Honden
Roza Terenzi - 3.I.Y.
Cleyra - Naked

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DJ profile

Location: Bristol, UK
Soundcloud | Soundcloud

Yushh is a Bristol based DJ and producer with residencies on Noods and 1020 radio, whilst appearing on an increasing number of line ups within the city and further afield. Her sets blend dark, atmospheric broken techno and electro with a heavy UK influence to her sound.

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