February 11, 2020 | Guest Mixes

#81 FADE for Deeprhythms

Mixed by: FADE
Location: London, UK
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Lauren Chalmers aka FADE co-runs the excellent Of Paradise Records with her partner Paul P, is a regular DJ on Rinse FM & clubs all over Europe and produces bass-heavy forward-thinking electronic music. Not to mention being a positive and friendly person.

She provided a delightful mix of chilled jungle and breaks - just listen to her effortless flow and the way she introduces subtle rhythmic changes to make way for more atmospheric sections - just sublime.

Hi there Lauren, thanks for taking the time to make a mix for DR! Can you introduce yourself briefly?

Hi, I’m Lauren (AKA Fade) and I co-run Of Paradise Records with my partner Paul out of North London.

How did you get introduced to dance music in the first place? 

Growing up in the early 90s, dance music was everywhere, so I have really early memories of the big chart stuff like N-Trance, The Prodigy, Corona, Crystal Waters etc. being played at parties.

As I grew up, I got more into bands and playing guitar, and then when I met Paul, he opened up a whole world of electronic music to me that I’ve been exploring ever since. I’m a bit of a musical sponge in that sense.

Can you tell us a little about how you started with DJ’ing place and what motivated you back then? 

I’ve only been DJing a couple of years. Paul has been playing from a young age, and when I met him back in 2014 we would go to parties where he would be playing and I remember thinking how fun it looked and just being so interested in what went into creating a set. So he taught me the basics and it went from there.

Once I got to grips with it, I was hooked. And then when I started playing out, I was even more hooked.

In 2016 Of Paradise -label emerged with you and Paul P behind it. How did that happen?

It all happened quite naturally. Paul had had the idea for the label and originally I was helping with the graphics (I’m a graphic designer by day).

But as the label really got underway, we realized we were both making decisions about the records and sharing everything involved in running a label – so that was it. We’ve been running it together ever since.

Will Lister’s ep will be/is the 13th release on the label. The Of Paradise roster consists of both local and international talent. Where do you source the music you release from?

The artists we work with come into our lives in different ways. Some have sent demos, some we met online through SoundCloud, some have been introduced to us through friends and some we have found just by chance.

What has been the most rewarding part of running Of Paradise?

I think being part of something that is driven by passion. Also, the people you meet through doing the label – whether that’s artists you release with, followers of the label, people who book you to play, people who run radio stations or people you do parties with etc.

I’ve met so many amazing people through doing this.

Can you tell us a little more about your other current musical endeavours? 

At the moment I’m working a lot on my own music. I’m exploring a lot of new ideas and developing my sound, and also building my technical knowhow. I’m looking forward to sharing some of these tracks very soon.

Do you have any fond musical memories from your childhood? 

So many! I guess some of the best memories have to be going to those first gigs with friends as a teenager. That first taste of real freedom and being a bit rebellious.

What was the first record or a song that made a lasting impression on you? 

That is such a hard question. So much music from so many genres have influenced me from a tiny age. Maybe something like Iggy Pop - ‘Lust For Life’.

Music for me has always been about how it makes you feel, and this track I guess epitomises the attitude I have to making and playing music. It’s very “ballsy”.

Please name five eps/albums/tracks/mixes that are on heavy rotation currently 

Galaxian - Coming Up For Air EP [Ilian Tape]
It’s pretty much a guarantee I’ll like anything Ilian Tape put out. But this Galaxian record which came out at the end of last year is just so beautiful. So full of textures and intricacies, and so expansive.

Conforce - Dawn Chorus LP [Delsin Records]
Conforce is another one of those producers that can do no wrong for me. His latest release on Delsin Records I find strangely uplifting and optimistic – packed full of spacey and dubby trademark Conforce sounds.

Function - Existenz LP [Tresor]
The latest album from Function on Tresor is nothing short of breathtaking. So so beautiful.

Benjamin Damage – Overton Window EP [Figure]
I’m a big Benjamin Damage fan and his latest EP did not disappoint. Again trademark punchy sounds on this record – I’ve had this on repeat ever since I got my hands on it. These tracks were so fun to play out too.

Priori - On A Nimbus [Naff Recordings]
Even though this one came out in the middle of last year, I still go back to it regularly. Every track is full of lovely tiny details, and the whole record just makes me feel so zen.(Timo's note: agree 100%, what a great album!)

Andy Stott - It Should Be Us [Modern Love]
Sorry I just had to fit this one in. Such an interesting and inspiring album from Andy Stott. Always pushing the boundaries.

In my opinion, we’re living in exciting times musically. A lot of indie labels & artists are releasing amazing music just for the love of it with a DIY attitude - without any compromises or commercial pressure. Do you share this view and where do you think it comes from?

I agree. I love how the music-making process has become much more democratic and accessible to people, as we have all of the technology we need close at hand. As a result, we’re hearing some really interesting, new stuff coming out.

The only downside to this is that it does make it a little bit difficult to stand out, as there is SO much out there now and the scene is rather oversaturated. Which leads nicely onto your next question…

You've obviously curated a lot of music, who are the artists and DJ’s you think deserve more attention than they get currently? 

Obviously I’m going to be a little bit biased here, because we work with some amazing producers who are still quite underground, but are making some really incredible music.

Lazarus is a German producer based in Nuremberg who we’re working with, and he makes beautiful, expansive breaks and techno – I think he’ll be huge. (Timo's note: his OP live mix is just crazy!)

Then there is Oall Hates who’s first EP we released back in 2018. He’s based in Vienna and is making really crazy, big club tracks, which are just so unique sounding and full of energy. I’m very much looking forward to putting out his next record.

And then here in London we have Stratton, who’s second EP with us, ‘Hardcore Live Forever’, was really well received. He’s making some huge, rave-influenced sounds.

And finally, Will Lister, who we just released with, is again, making some really detailed tracks which are so incredibly produced.

So the mix, can you tell us a little something about that? 

Well, I didn’t think my usual style of big techno tracks would fit the Deeprhythms channel, so I thought I’d pull out some softer sounds for this one.

I’ve been listening to a lot more jungle and breaks recently, and I’ve been collecting some really great music both old and new. This was actually the first full jungle set I’ve recorded, so it definitely put me to the test.

Many thanks Lauren! Anything else? 

Thanks for having me Timo. I really enjoyed putting this one together!

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Location: London, UK
Facebook | Soundcloud

Co-Label Manager at Of Paradise records, a DJ and a producer based in London.

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